Stroke Recognition and Treatments in the Young Athlete


Course Description

This course is designed to highlight the unusual stroke risk factors and presentation in the young athlete and how that correlates with the young athlete. Through educating on these unusual risk factors and symptoms the goal is to recognize these athletes sooner leading to improved outcomes and minimal disability.

Healthcare professionals are presented with a comprehensive overview of risk factors, both common and unusual. Typical and atypical stroke symptoms are examined, as well as treatment modalities. Healthcare professionals will leave this course armed with the knowledge to reduce delays and improve the care of young athletes experiencing a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). 

This seminar-on-demand is 2 contact hours in length (check your state’s approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).

Contact Hours: 2
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced